Last Tuesday we had our 2 year well check appointment with our pediatrician. I had three pages of things to talk about and I knew it would be a long one. We brought a bag of books and snacks. Dallas even stopped on his way and purchased a new animal book to keep them busy. The appointment went really well. Both of the kids are developing right on track if not ahead in some areas. They are both in the 90th percentile. Ethan weighed 32 lbs 6oz, Paige weighed 30 lbs 4 oz and they were both 35 1/2 inches tall.
Developmentally they are also doing very well. They are talking in sentences Ethan more than Paige. Ethan tries harder than Paige. The doctor said that they have a very good vocabulary for their age. She thinks that their obsession with books is probably why they know so many words. I still think they should be talking better but I have to remember they are only two. They tend to act and look so much older that I forget they are still just toddlers. She said that us enrolling them in daycare with older children was the best thing we could have done for them.
Ethan's favorite phrase this week is, "Shew Wee, Stink"! Paige's favorite words are "Yes" and "Bubbas" aka bubbles. She says it with such passion. It cracks me up. We have always said shew we when we change their poopy diapers but Ethan has us beat. He crinkles his little nose up and with a disgusted face he pronounces that he is stinky. So funny!
They are already using silverware with every meal. She said that most children don't fully use utensils correctly until they are 3 or 4 years old. Ethan gets very upset if he can't eat something with his fork. He stopped eating peaches and pears for a while until we figured out it was because we were not giving him a fork to eat them with. He also gets extremely frustrated when he can't get something to stay on his fork or spoon. It is honestly really funny. He will chase a bite all over his plate rather than just pick it up. Paige doesn't have the patients for that. She will use her utensils until they get in her way. If she is starving and a bite is being difficult she will simply pick it up and eat it. Inpatient problem solver that's my girl! Stubborn little stinker that's my boy!
Last Monday the day before our appointment we had a break through with silverware. Switching between spoons and forks. I have had a difficult time getting them to eat certain things lately because they can't get them with their forks such as peas. Then when I would give them the spoon they would eat the peas and then get frustrated with the spoon not working for the meat. For some reason they finally got the concept on Monday. Now Ethan likes to eat one bite with his fork then one bite with his spoon and so on. I am so proud that they understand this concept not to mention it makes meal time easier.
I was worried about the sippy cups being a problem but my doctor assured me not to worry. Daycare is teaching them to drink from tiny paper Dixie cups but we still use sippy cups. As of yesterday they officially took the kids off sippy cups and will be sending them home with us today. WHAT? Are you kidding me! I don't want to stop using sippy cups yet. The daycare said they don't care what we do at home but at school they are ready. Well good for you. Open cups equal mess that I don't have time for yet. The doctor assured me that they would be fine using sippy cups at home until they are at least 3. Thank goodness.
I was also anxious about potty training. I am ready for the diaper cost to be gone but not ready to clean pee and poo up constantly. Our doctor said that we would talk about potty training at their 2 1/2 year well check and to not worry too much now. She said to get little potties and introduce them to it but not to push it yet. Thank goodness again. I talked to the daycare yesterday and told them feel free to start working on potty association. They said they had already introduced them and they would work on getting them comfortable sitting on it. I love daycare!
I honestly think that our kids are doing so well partial because of that daycare. They have worked so hard with our kids to catch them up since we started. Their fine motor skills were behind when we started. They had no boundaries and did not understand structure and instructions. It didn't take them long to get all of that under control. They listen so well now. They also taught me how to talk to the kids better and get more results. A full update on daycare is the next blog to come.
I have to say I left our two year well check very satisfied that we are doing a pretty good job raising our children!
He Found Me
5 years ago
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