We drove out to Abbey's Playtown only to find them closed. Oh No! They had changed their hours and were now closed on Sundays. Crap, what do we do now. So we headed back to the interstate to find somewhere else to go play. We decided to try Chuck E Cheese as much as I dislike that place. We had already told them they were going to get to play so we had to come through with some thing. We pulled up and it looked like a concert was going on inside. The parking lot and surrounding streets were packed with cars. Dallas ran in to see if there was any point in getting the kids out of the car. He quickly returned mouthing, "No Way"!
We were on our way again but where to go. We finally ended up at the mall simply because we were out of options. We have been there several times before to play but it is not our favorite place. The play area is usually over run with older kids being wild. Of course their parents are no where to be found and neither is their common sense. Don't run a hundred miles an hour and jump over things with little kids on top. I will stop before I make myself angry. Anyway this particular time there were only a few big kids and they were behaving for the most part. There were more parents than usual walking around with their children as they played. Most just sit on the side and talk while oblivious to the where abouts or well being of their children. We can't do that! I follow one kid while Dallas follows the other and we switch when necessary. The kids enjoyed it.
Our kids don't mind other kids one bit. They just make their way through and go about their business.
Too bad you have to stage a picture to get one of them together. You wouldn't know if my husband could move faster. Ha!
Climbing good time.
Usually I don't let them run on the seating area but no one was sitting any where close and 4 other kids were doing it. They loved it so oh well.
We walked to the ice rink after playing and then got a bite to eat in the food court. Paige insisted we ride the horses which surprised me because she screamed and cried the first time we rode it. Dallas put Ethan on a horse and I attempted to put Paige on one. She kicked and screamed. So I put her on my lap and we sat on a bench. She was happy during the ride. She looked up and pointed smiling but the minute we got up to walk off she screamed again. I guess the horses are scary to her. Ethan rode his horse with no assistance and loved the entire ride. It was getting late so we headed home with two worn out kids.
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