This past weekend turned out to be a busy one. We went to a small family reunion on Saturday for my Pap Paw's side of the family. Many years ago this reunion consisted of an entire weekend spent camping in rvs, playing games, and visiting with family. Over the years it has dwindled into a one day meeting with a pot luck lunch. I have mixed feelings about the reunion as it is today. On one hand I miss the weekend experience. I miss the camping, watermelon seed spitting contest, egg toss, and yes even the cow patty toss! We used to have teams racing "skies" on land. Four or five people would stand on a board, tie their feet down then they had to walk in sequence to avoid falling face first. The first team to the marker and back won! I have a lot of fond memories growing up of this reunion and my grandmother's family reunion in the canyon in Oklahoma as well.
However I also greatly appreciate the simplicity of the reunion today. My main objective when attending a reunion is to visit with family and show off my kiddos. Since the kids are generally running crazy at this age, I find it very difficult to visit with anyone at any time! I enjoy not having to pack an entire car full of stuff. I enjoy showing up, seeing everyone, eating good home cooked food, and then going home!
We were doing better on time than we usually do getting ready Saturday morning. It wasn't until it was our turn to get ready that we suddenly started loosing ground. Dallas and I couldn't find anything to wear. We spend so much time making sure everything is ready for the babies that we often forget about ourselves. We finally threw on something. We hurried out the door and we were at this point about 30 minutes later than I had wanted to be.
We had fed the kids twice already, breakfast and morning snack but once again had neglected to take care of ourselves. We tried to swing into a 7 eleven to grab something small but of course they had nothing. We finally got something to eat and raced out of town. It was almost 11 now and I had wanted to be there 11:15am. We were officially late! I called my older brother to see where they were and they were pulling into the parking lot of the church. CRAP! I hate when he shows up on time or early. In the past I could always count on him to be as late if not later than me but lately he has really disappointed me. He was already there and we were just leaving. I so needed a Zanics!
The kids slept on the way there but since the reunion is near Mineral Wells it wasn't very far. They only got about a 30 minute nap which is not long enough but better than nothing. I had gotten directions from my Mom during our leaving fiasco and was having trouble remembering the FM road number. I could have swore it was 313 two miles after Mineral Wells. I was questioning the location when we zoomed past FM 113 and Dallas thought that was the correct road. I informed him that he did not know and he just thought it sounded right. I couldn't get a hold of my Mom due to the crappy reception in BFE. We were now in Mineral Wells and I was questioning where we were. I finally reached my brother and discovered that the turn was in fact FM 113 two miles outside of Mineral Wells not after! CRAP!!! I hate when the man is right and so obviously too. I had to sit in the enclosed confines of our front seat and watch Dallas gloat with all his might about his rightness! Oh well can't be right every time I guess.
We finally arrived at almost noon and hurried inside. I was very excited to see my cousins and all the kids. We let the kids down and they were off!
Paige loved running around all the tables and from one side of the room to the other.
Ethan had a more important mission- getting his shoes off.
We fed the kids when they got hungry and I was glad I had brought food with us for them. The kids give me a very hard time eating anything that they are not already used to eating. I often take food with us if we are going somewhere I don't know the exact menu. They ate lunch and of course were done before Daddy and I had time to eat hardly any of our food. I made them sit and wait. We were hungry too. Once we were all done eating the kids got down to go run again. I had brought a basket of toys for them to play with but apparently I didn't bring enough. No one else brought toys and I was very happy I had thought to bring them. We found a little room in the back of the fellowship hall and made it the nursery. I hid all the "older" treasures, brought in the basket, and turned them loose.
The kids had a good time playing together and thankfully Grammie was willing to stay in there with them. Us parents would wander in and out of the room but only because we felt we had to. You have to remember how many kids were in our group. My cousin Nikki has twin boys that are 2 1/2 and a 3 month old little boy. My cousin Krissa has a little boy under 2. My brother has twins that are 16 months and then my twins at 15 months. Craziness but I love it.
Now the time had come for pictures. Taking group and family photos has always been a big deal in our family. We have large pictures posted from all the years past of the entire group. I love looking back at all of them and remembering those good times. In years past I was always sitting by my cousin Meghan and we have tried to continue our tradition. Now we are trying to control wild children but nonetheless we are still together in the picture. All I have to say about pictures this year is... hurry the hell up! My Aunt Wanda thinks it is easier to have the entire group scoot together rather than backing her butt up. Paige was not happy and did not want to be held. She wanted to run and there was nothing you were going to do to stop her. Kids were pulling hair, kicking, crying, and trying to run away. Then Wanda wanted a picture of all the kids that were in attendance. HA! I said good luck with that one and walked off.
We did manage to get a picture of my grandparents with all 8 of their great grandchildren!
We loaded up the kids at around 2:30pm and headed home. The kids fell asleep immediately and I could have too. It is absolutely amazing how exhausted you can get in a few hours chasing kids in a non kid friendly place. We arrived home, unloaded, and happily laid on the couch. It makes it all worth it to see my grandparent's faces. Everywhere I walked that day I heard people talking about all the kids and my grandparents were just glowing. Everyone in Stephenville, Texas will see the picture of them and all their great grandchildren. What a blessing it is to have them here! I love you Granny and Pap Paw!
He Found Me
5 years ago
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