Monday, May 10, 2010

My Babies Turn 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been working on this blog forever! I am tired of reading it so please excuse any gramaticaly and/or formatting errors. :)

Ethan and Paige's 3rd birthday was almost a month ago already, and I still can't believe my babies are 3 years old!! It just amazes me how quickly time really does fly when you have kids. We planned the party at Abbey’s Playtown this year. We have loved that place since we found it a year ago and knew it would be the perfect place to host the birthday celebration. I really love the owners, it is extremely clean and the kids absolutely love it!I reserved our party date and time months ahead of time so I could rest easy. The only thing I did not plan for was sickness. Why does it always happen that way? Ethan came home from daycare sick on April 13th with a fever and cough. By the time we put him in bed he was having a Febrile seizure. He was sick for about a week with croup and then he gave the virus to his sister. Paige was sick for weeks as usual. The infection highly irritated her asthma and gave her an ear infection on top of the cold. She did not get croup but the virus affects each child differently. By the week before the party I was sick as a dog too. Really!!! I had to go to the doc in the box several times that week before I could finally get well enough to have the party. Thank goodness for very powerful medications! Grammie ended up getting the virus also right before the party. She was too sick to come by Saturday, and we missed her very much.

I was even more thankful that I had chosen to have their party at Abbey’s when I was so exhausted and worn down by that week. If the party would have been at my house, it would have had to be cancelled. All I had to do for the party was pick up the cake, bring some bottled water and make the goodie bags. I figured I could definitely handle those few things, but kids hair cuts were moved to the bottom of the to do list. Therefore my kids look like little rag muffins, oh well.

We decided not to remind the kids that their birthday party was after nap. I was afraid they would get too excited and not be able to nap. That was all I needed, two cranky birthday kids! They both got up early that Saturday morning and went right to nap. We were running a little behind, but they were still in bed at a decent time. While they slept Dallas and I ran crazy trying to get ourselves ready. My Dad and Betty were driving into town for the party and had arrived a little early. They called to ask if we needed anything so I ask them to pick up the cake and a few other things up for me. They really saved us! I would not have had time to go all the way to the bakery and get everything done on time. Thanks again!

We arrived right on time and headed into Abbey’s. I went to the party room and set up the few things I had while the kids and Dallas hit the play floor…

I ordered their Little Einstein, Number 3 birthday t-shirts months in advance and did not want them to be too small by the end of April. Apparently they should have been a size smaller for both of them. Oh well at least they were comfortable. The big roller coaster is always a favorite for all the kids!

Kai was having a good time. Paige and Ethan just learned to climb the mountain recently and they love it.

It did not take Abby long to get to the top. Rylie has grown up so much.

Reese loves to dress up! I think she had on everything in the place. :)

Addi was flying fast and furious and loving it.

Grand Daddy was pushing Ethan in the swing and pretending he was running into him. Ethan laughed and laughed.

Time for a ride everyone.

Landon flying down the roller coaster and Addi the cheer leading witch. :)

Allison taking in the groceries while Ethan, Daddy & Grandaddy knock down the big wall they built. Boys!

Abby and Jake flying the plane. Everyone hold on Grandma BB is flying! Ha!

Grandma BB is always so much fun. Sweet Lily pie swinging.

Time to open presents...

Ethan and Paige were so thrilled that they actually got to open the presents at this party. Ethan does not do well while other people open gifts. It kills him! He wants to go help so badly.

They looked so cute sitting side by side ripping into the paper and bags.

I will never understand why opening presents is such a hectic ordeal. I was sweating and running crazy through a sea of flying paper and bags.

The card with stickers was a winner for Paige. She snuck off during presents to stick her finger in the cake. I found it funny that both grandparents that witnessed her doing this had to take a picture BEFORE they stopped her. Ha! I would have probably done the same thing.

Ethan loves his Diego boat and Paige and Reese were mesmerized by the dress up clothes.

Too bad only one soccer ball was neon yellow and the other white. They fight over those balls all the time! Jake was so funny. All the poor boy wanted was cake and Aunt Lisa made him wait through presents and pizza.

My kinda girlie girl. Now it was Ethan's turn to start trying to stick his fingers in the cake.

He had to tell Grandpa John who all the characters were. We love our Little Einsteins!

We also love party hats!!!

It was time for pizza and juice.


Babies like pizza too :)

Paige loves her pizza. It is her favorite food!

We love this family, The Fusilers. It was finally time for the birthday cake. Cooper St. Bakery did an AMAZING job!!!

We sang to Ethan first, and he was so excited! I love that they are equally excited to sing to each other. So sweet!

He is getting ready to make his wish and blow out the candles.

Ethan was literally shaking with excitement then it was Paige's turn.

Ethan sang so loudly for his sis and she was excited and embarrased.

Happy Birthday My Big Kids!!! Then it was time to lick off the candles.

All the kids wanted to lick a character so I let them all pick one.

The cake was very tasty. All the kids loved it.

Dad and I looking at a great moment he had captured. The kids all headed back out to play.

Cowboy Addi and Paige flying on the swing.

Bouncing, bouncing and more bouncing.

Go Abby! I love this picture of my older brother with his youngest, Lily. Look at her looking at her Daddy. Aw!

Paige and Grandaddy were flying in the plane for quite a while. She finally got bored and left him sitting by himself.

Addi decided she would fly him the rest of the way until Paige came back and threw a fit.

Since it was her birthday, Addi let her back in the driver's seat. I was in the back, cleaning up cake, or this would have had a very different outcome. Your birthday or not, you don't take things just cause you want them. Oh well, lesson missed on that one.

Those Thornell kids are just natural climbers. :)

Ethan playing with Phillip. Ethan was so happy he knew how to climb the mountain.

I know these pictures are almost all the same, but I could not resist.
She is just so stinking cute!!! Paige the witch or whatever she was.

Ethan was throwing out each dress up item so he could use the basket for a better purpose.

All the kids always love the big roller coaster and have a difficult time sharing it. It looks fun!

I did not expect the one year old little girl, Ryan, to be one of them! She loved that thing and would ride it over and over. No fear!

Paige always plays in the baby area. Ryan cooking up a storm.

Lily practicing that walk. Paige already practicing hanging up laundry. Ha! I may put her to work soon.

Silly birthday kids having fun in the inflatable train.

Sadly our birthday time at Abbey's Playtown was drawing to an end...

All the kids loved the goodie bags especially the birthday kiddos. We have to always have goodie bags at their parties. They think it is not a party without goodie bags.

Nana and Grandaddy brought over some of their gifts after the party. Ethan loved his Step 2 tool shop and the three generations of Mayfields built many things together.
Paige and Nana played tea party with her real dishes they bought her. Real surramic dishes but minature. They were just adorable!

Tiffany missed the party so she brought a big bag of gifts over after the party too. They attemped to play but the kids were going bananas at this point. It was very sweet for her to drive all the way over from Granbury. After everyone left this is what I found in the living room... two really tired 3 year olds!

I could not have ask for anything else for Ethan and Paige's 3rd birthday! They are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends!! We missed a few people, but other than that it was just a wonderful time. Thank you everyone for coming and a big Thank You to Abbey's Playtown for all your hard work!!!!

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